First Quarter Moon in Aries: Wait

posted in: Aries, First Quarter Moon | 0

Late tonight we reach the First Quarter Moon, the sharp corner when we choose whether to move on toward our goals or not.

By this point, we have a reasonable idea of what’s involved. Are we willing to press forward?

This is an Aries Moon, so, yes, the urge to move will be strong. Squaring the Sun in Capricorn, the idea of reaching the goal may not be in question. The challenge focus on how we get there.

Aries and Capricorn are both cardinal signs, both ready to begin. Neither avoids a challenge. Both can feel invincible.

Where Capricorn is measured, careful, and committed, Aries is … not. Aries will charge at a target with no prep at all for the sheer joy of it. This is exhilarating but not always effective.

There are several checks in place here. First the square to the Sun sound a cautionary note. Are we truly ready to run into battle? Maybe we should check a few things first? Maybe?

The Moon also squares the Nodes. This leaves us feeling we have to Do Something and is also a reminder of what’s at stake. Whatever we do now will have karmic resonance. Perhaps some care is called for.

The Moon also moves to sextile Venus in Aquarius. This Venus wants to know what the plan is and what principles are involved. Their approach is collaborative rather than challenging, but Venus will hold out for knowing how actions taken now fit within the bigger model.

Last, this Aries Moon is ruled by Mars in the last degree, the last few minutes, of Scorpio. Mars’ power here is great, intense, and very aware of what the cost of failure might be.

At this First Square, look before you leap. In fact, don’t leap at all. Wait. Make a plan. Consider your goals and the principles aligned with those goals. Review the terrain. Map pitfalls.

Tamp down the desire to move and refocus the Aries Moon on getting it right.

Image adapted from a photo by Xu Haiwei:

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