Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius: Drive

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We’re running full tilt into the Gibbous Moon with an out-of-bounds Moon in mutable Fire. A glance at the chart shows the Moon active in three important aspect patterns.

First is a Grand Trine in Fire with Venus in Leo and the North Node in Aries. This vibrant flow links our quest for wisdom, our creative drive for self expression, and our push into the future. There’s enough energy here to fuel whatever we set our minds to.

This Grand Trine is actually a kite pattern, with the South Node in Libra at the apex. We do not forget the past, either our own past, our ancestral past, or the deep past. The past fuels our search for wisdom and our creative expression.

The Moon also sits at the apex of a Thor’s Hammer aspect, which is two sesquiquadrates with a square at the base. One is the line that defines the Gibbous phase: the 135º angle between the Sun and Moon. The other is to the asteroid Eris, the ever-present reminder of the world’s needs. The base is a square from the Sun to Eris.

The caring Cancerian Sun might try to deny or push away the needs of the world in favor of those close to us. The Moon’s connection to both won’t let that happen. The world is with us, no matter how much we prefer to ignore her.

The solution to the irritations of Thor’s Hammer lies opposite the apex, where we find Jupiter in Gemini opposing the Sag Moon. We are challenged to see may points of view, to consider all the options.

These next days are a time to dive deep into the wells of wisdom we know best, and then to temper those with some ideas from new sources, ones we’ve never considered before.

Let’s get moving.

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