First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: Strength

posted in: Capricorn, First Quarter Moon | 4

In the First Quarter, we build––or rebuild, as needed. We’re gaining clarity on the eclipse New Moon’s messages. What do we do now?

We’ve got a Grand Cross in the cardinal signs. Time to start something.

In the second decan of Capricorn, we find a building Moon, a solid, reliable Moon who will not turn aside. This Moon might even be called relentless. This Moon is ready for hard times.

In the second decan of Libra, promises and fates are bound together––not wonderful for the independent, powerful Sun.

In this cardinal Grand Cross, the Sun opposes both Chiron (personal wounding) and Eris (world crises). Are we prepared, as individuals and societies, to harness personal power to shared goals? Or will ‘divide and conquer’ continue to make us all smaller?

Mars in Cancer squares the Sun and opposes the Moon. Mars is in the Moon’s sign, while the Moon sits in the sign of Mars’ exaltation. Our determination is fueled by our commitments to family and tradition.

Chiron and Eris in Aries square this Moon–Mars axis. Our wounds around impulsive action and going it alone are triggered. What’s the right balance between independence and tradition?

We’re heading toward a powerhouse Full Moon in Aries on October 17. Whatever we can sort out now will help us face into this fiery Full Moon’s light.

October 11, Pluto turns direct in Capricorn. In the uttermost depths, the tide turns toward the future.

October 13, Mercury at the end of diplomatic Libra squares Pluto. The iron hand is strong inside Libra’s velvet glove.

Check in on personal goals and commitments. What needs to be taken care of now?

I am still without internet at home. I will post as I can, but cannot do readings. I will keep you posted!

4 Responses

    • RisingMoon

      Thank you, Michael 🙂 In the midst of devastating floods and wind damage, I am fortunate. I’m even learning how to work around not having internet at home (yet)!

  1. Denisse

    Thoughts are with you during this difficult time. I hope you are well, safe and dry. Take care

    • RisingMoon

      Thank you, Denisse, I’m very lucky and this region is really hurting. It’s sobering.

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