Last Quarter Moon in Leo: Pathos

posted in: Last Quarter Moon, Leo | 0

In the predawn hours of Thursday, we enter the Last Quarter phase with the Moon at the beginning of Leo and the Sun newly in Scorpio.

We think of Leo as bright and extroverted, but find this Leo Moon in a somber, reflective mood. There’s a ’darkness before the dawn’ feel.

This Moon stands in a T-square that evolved from the Grand Cross of the Full Moon. The Moon squares the Sun in early Scorpio.

The Moon is in a close but out-of-sign conjunction with Mars in Cancer, also squaring the Sun. Pluto opposes Mars and the Moon, and squares the Sun. Mars holds the square to Chiron and Eris in Aries, evoking the last corner of the Full Moon Grand Cross.

Venus in Sag trines the North Node while moving to square Saturn. We long to move decisively into the future, but cannot shake the legacies of the past.

Mars reactivates the Uranus–Pluto trine, with its sextiles to Neptune in the middle. We feel deeply. We long for change. And we cannot see the way forward.

All the issues of our times and the desperate need for solutions remain. Pathos is a quality that arouses our sense of suffering. The Sun and Mercury in Scorpio already connect us to the depths of our own psyches as well as the collective.

This Leo Moon wants to create and share.

The idea that we, as individuals, have something important to say can seem hollow, almost ridiculous. Yet the Moon in Leo invites emotion. Calls out personal expression.

How do we acknowledge our personal experience while maintaining compassion? Can we honor our emotions in a way that creates space for others to do the same?

I still do not have internet at home, although I have hopes it will be restored this week. Once I have internet, I will reach out to everyone who contacted me about readings!

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