Tomorrow before dawn (in my time zone), we slip into the Gibbous phase with the Moon in lively Gemini.

In this final phase before the Full Moon, we are tempted to think we’ve made it. Our Full Moon goal is in sight. All we need do is keep on track.
The Gibbous Moon, with its square-and-a-half aspect between the Sun and Moon, says, oh, really? You think you’re there? Well, how about this …
The challenge this time is plain enough: with the Moon in Gemini, we’re likely to get distracted.
And if distraction is the challenge, this chart offers plenty of options.
The Moon, Mercury, and Mars are all out pf bounds, which means they are charting their own course, ready for any side quest.
If that weren’t enough, all three are aspecting each other, not by the zodiac, but according to declination (which is the same measure that tells us they are out of bounds).
The Moon and Mars are parallel, just over a degree apart and north of the celestial equator. This is like a conjunction, so, our already heightened emotions and energies combine. We could be more determined, aggressive, or passionate in good or problematic ways.
The Moon and Mars are contra-parallel Mercury, which is like an opposition. Mercury just entered pragmatic Capricorn, so our minds might try to control our emotional activation by being ruthlessly practical–which might not go well.
Mercury rules the Gemini Moon, who rules Mars in Cancer, so, these three have plenty of power to lead us off course. Do your best to stick to the plan, no matter what enticements appear.
Mars also trines Neptune, who is approaching the end of Pisces. This aspect could lure us off course. What is that lovely light I see in the mists there?
The Moon moves to square Venus in Pisces, and Venus moves to square Jupiter. The Moon will conjunction Jupiter soon as well, linking these three in another magical trio.
Meanwhile, the Sun squares Chiron while moving into a trine with Uranus. What personal healing or change might we need to embrace?
Some side quests can be worthy. With this Gibbous Moon, we’ll need to take care in choosing which paths to follow.