The First Quarter Square wants us to act––and this exalted Moon in Taurus is more about preparation (which is also action).
This Moon connects deeply with long cycles. This Moon wants us to feel good, in the most grounded, stable, healthiest way.
Moving into conjunction with Uranus in late Taurus, the Moon is definitely aware that change, big change, is underway.
Squaring the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, the Moon connects to the innovative, vibrant thinking these two are capable of. Uranus as the modern ruler of Aquarius reinforces that vibe.
Sextiling Mars retrograde (and out of bounds) in Cancer on one side, and Saturn in Pisces on the other, the Moon seeks to calm any troubled waters. Saturn and Mars trine each other, with Mars in an activated, emotional state he finds deeply uncomfortable. The Moon offers tea and schedules massages.
Our focus goes right back to the main axis in this chart, Neptune and the North Node at the end of Pisces opposing the South Node in Virgo.
Our deepest dreams are calling us, insistently. We long to respond and yet may struggle to find the clarity we need.
Venus, newly arrived in Aries, sextiles Pluto in Aquarius. She has the plan and knows how to use it. It’s new. It’s bold. It’s creative.
This Venus rules the Taurus Moon, who is always ready to work hard, just not with the speed Aries prefers.
So where are we? Before we embark on the next adventure, the Taurus Moon wants us to prepare.
Check in with yourself. Hydrate. Eat. Exercise. Invest in your well being.
Where do you find the peace that comes dropping slow? The Taurus Moon lights the way.
(The deep heart’s core and slow-dropping peace from W.B. Yeats poem, The Lake Isle of Innisfree.)
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