Overnight, we enter the Crescent phase with the Moon in late Aries.

At the end of Aries, connected to our warrior self, we’re ready to take it on the road. This face is competitive, but the mood is more creative expression than fighting.
What do we want to be the best in? Where to we want to shine? In the Crescent phase, the Moon has light in the sky again. We’re ready to sort out goals for this lunar cycle.
This Moon serves as the tip of the advancing Aries spear. She has traversed Aries, meeting with Venus )who has just stationed retrograde), then Chiron the wounded healer, and finally Eris, the chaotic energy surrounding the crises our world now faces.
The Moon as messenger gives us our first look at where all that Pisces is going.
What will emerge from the Piscean mists? What bright shaft of light will illuminate the waters? What will we set our sites on?
The Sun at 13º Pisces trines Mars and squares Jupiter, an odd mix of energies as Mars regains speed and remains cranky, while Jupiter adds bright sparks of random creativity to the Pisces ocean.
Mars continues out of bounds, which adds to the uncertain emotionality. The Mars–Saturn trine is forming again, which doesn’t help Mars gain a sense of agency.
This is all relevant to the Moon in Aries, since Mars and the Moon are again in mutual reception. The Moon could give Mars energy to push through irritable moods, while Mars might make the Moon look forward to arriving in Taurus, where she is exalted.
Where does this leave us? In Aries, the Moon is energized, independent, and on the move. This counters the misty lost feeling of Pisces.
Connecting with the Moon, we get flashes of inspiration about what we want and need to do. Pisces is great at inspiration but not wonderful on clarity. This Aries Moon can help. Write things down. Take notes.

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