Gibbous Moon in Leo: The Hero’s Labyrinth

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Leo, Retrograde | 0

Before dawn on Monday, we step into the Gibbous Moon as the entrance of a labyrinth.

In this phase, we face a challenge, something we must do before reaching the Full Moon. Since this is a Full Lunar Eclipse, a Blood Moon, it is fitting we face something of a trial.

The Leo Moon is sesquiquadrate the Sun and Saturn. This square-and-a-half aspect creates tension. There is a challenge. We’ll need dedication and grit. The Sun in Pisces might waffle, but we can lean on Saturn to make sure everything that needs to happen, happens.

The Moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius while trining Venus and Mercury. Venus and Mercury reach their exact conjunction Tuesday evening, as Venus begins her retrograde descent journey and Mercury moves forward to join her.

This Leo Moon reminds me of the hero Theseus, prince of Athens. It is time for the King to send his tribute of young men and women of Athens to King Minos. They will be sent into the labyrinth of the Minotaur, sacrificed to the monster within.

Theseus insists on being one of the company, pledging to kill the Minotaur and free the young Athenians. Theseus wants to protect his people and also longs for renown and the attention it brings. (Mars remains out of bounds in Cancer, ruled by the Leo Moon.)

Ariadne is entranced by Theseus and vows to aid him. She knows the secrets of the labyrinth and lays a fine thread, like the strand of a web, along the route he and his compatriots must follow. She plans to fly away with him when he emerges.

We may see Ariadne and her thread in Venus Rx and Mercury. Or perhaps we see the hand of Aphrodite herself: One version of this tale says the goddess caused Ariadne to fall in love with Theseus to be sure he could escape.

Theseus slays the Minotaur, finds his way out of the maze, and escapes with his friends and Ariadne. He has met this first set of challenges, although ultimate success is not guaranteed.

This Leo Moon challenges each of us to take up an important task, while examining our motives.

Moon-ruled Mars squares Chiron in Aries. Are we selfless in our actions? Do we look for glory? Are we aware of our motivations, pure and impure? Do we think a little too well of ourselves?

As we leave Minos behind, we sail toward the chaotic waters of a Blood Moon in Virgo, the Full Moon and first eclipse of 2025.

Deep currents surround us. This Gibbous Moon is a challenge and reminder. Check in. Will we be called to heroic action? Are we ready to respond?

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