Disseminating Moon in Libra: Grace Under Pressure

posted in: Disseminating Moon, Libra | 0

At each Full Moon, we achieve or realize something. We are illuminated. Then we share. During this disseminating phase, we bring what we learned and who we are into the world in new ways.

What if the world doesn’t respond well? What do we do when it pushes back?

This afternoon, about 4:15 pm EST, the Disseminating Moon is exact. At this sesquiquadrate, a square and a half, we’re getting resistance. Maybe it’s internal cognitive dissonance as we process what we’re learning. It could also be coming from outside, people in our world who just don’t want to hear it.

The Moon in Libra is doing her best to stay calm, but she is squaring the hard-nosed Capricorn bunch (Saturn, Venus, Pluto, South Node) who are so deep into their own transformation they’re not into caring and sharing.

The Moon is awkwardly inconjunct Mercury and Neptune in Pisces too, so even intuitive guidance might not be coming through. Our guides and allies feel distant today.

The saving grace is a sextile with Jupiter in Sagittarius, the reassurance that even if we’re out in the wilderness, we’re not alone.

Today we embody grace under pressure.

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