Waxing Trine Moon in Capricorn: Sculpture

posted in: Capricorn, Waxing Trine | 0

Within the First Quarter phase, we reach a trine between the Sun and Moon, an easy, flowing connection that offers insight. We reach this point on Sunday afternoon.

This trine is Earth to Earth: Capricorn to Virgo. Each of these Earth signs is strong in the sky right now, so this Sun–Moon connection brings together a powerhouse of planetary energy.

Mercury, Mars, and Venus remain with the Sun, still within orb. The Moon sits with Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto, aligning herself with the major players in this year’s sky.

The Moon and Capricorn group in the second decan have a strong desire to build, to shape the world. Austin Coppock notes there is great determination here but also hubris.

The Virgo group brings the ability to focus in on an important task even when circumstances are against you. This quality could offer a check against the overweening pride and confidence that has tripped up so many heroes.

In the stillness of this trine, we find a moment of balance. The shape of our emerging goals might finally become clear.

Consider Michelangelo as he stands contemplating a fresh block of marble. As he focuses his gaze, the sculptor sees within the stone a figure waiting to be released.

This is the grace that might be offered us at this trine. If the moment feels heavy or burdensome, try to pause, breathe, and look into your goals as if they were a block of stone to find the pattern within.

This image was created from a photo by Pavel Nekoranec : https://unsplash.com/photos/8ALBNshSZTE

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