Waxing Trine Moon in Pisces: Desire

posted in: Pisces, Waning Trine | 0

Tonight we reach the waxing trine between Sun and Moon that offers harmony and insight on our way to the Full Moon. We will feel flows of emotion and sensation all day.

Remember the Sun and Moon get wide orbs. The luminaries reach farther and touch longer. So the Moon in Pisces is already within orb of trining the Scorpio Sun. They are in touch with each other.

The wide angles of influence create deeper, more complex connections. These draw us into waters of reverie, creative inspiration, connections with the past, and intimations about the future.

We might find it challenging to focus on details. Anxieties can come up. If they do, examine them to see what’s going on under the surface.

The Moon applies to conjunct Neptune. Sun and Moon trine the North Node of the Moon, waning, yet still felt. This means of course that Sun and Moon sextile the south Node. They sextile Saturn as well, a stronger connection. Pluto at 20 Capricorn is also within the influence of Sun and Moon today.

This is a kite pattern. We have a Grand Trine in Water that includes the Sun, Moon, and North Node. On top of that we have sextiles from the Sun and Moon to the South Node, Saturn and Pluto.

We are moving toward an unknown future and still feel the pull of the past.

What do we desire? Cancer wants home, family, tribe. Pisces longs for soul and spirit. Scorpio heads into the shadows where our desires are strongest and hardest to see clearly.

The etymology of the word desire brings us back to the stars. “De sidere” = “from the stars.” We long for, wish for, and often wait for what the stars will bestow. Today we feel deeply. Whether lost in craving or patiently awaiting, we are unlikely to feel ready for decisive action.

We always approach the time of astrological Samhain, when the Sun reaches 15 Scorpio. This is a turning of the year and today might feel like a turning of the tide. We can be discerning even when we cannot control the current.

Image from a photo by Johnny Brown : https://unsplash.com/photos/V-afy242gY4

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