Waxing Sextile Moon in Pisces: Choose Peace

posted in: Pisces, Waxing Sextile | 0

In the midst of looming change, we’re tempted to escape by zoning out. Some of that can be helpful but try to notice how, when, and how much we detach from life.

There’s too much going on to miss.

We reach the Sun–Moon sextile with the Sun @ 9 Capricorn and the Moon @ 9 Pisces.

This means the Moon trines the North Node of the future and sextiles the South Node of the past, where the Sun is.

Everything is connected. The Pisces Moon feels this deeply. Past and future flow from one to the other. Does this only happen in one direction? Or does the future also influence the past?

The Moon moves to conjunct Neptune, which enhances and expands our perceptions. Clair senses like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience are heightened.

This may intensify our anxiety, increasing the pull to disconnect, but then we miss an opportunity to go deeper.

Today, choose peace. Breathe. Stay with your feelings. Watch how they, too, flow and change. Be gentle with yourself and others. The world is an amazing place.

Image adapted from a photo by Harli Marten:

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