This afternoon, we reached the waxing sextile between the Sun and Moon. This energized and cooperative meeting offers important insight about our journey with this waxing Moon.
This is a clever Moon in bright, curious Gemini sextiling the Sun in even brighter Aries. These two want action, movement, progress. They’re willing to take chances and excited about what might happen.
If we check in with the rulers of each luminary, though, the picture is a bit different. Mars, ruler of Aries, is feeling intensely Capricornian as he sits at the very last edge of cardinal Earth. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is in misty, ethereal Pisces, moving to conjunct Neptune.
The insight we’re offered is that the picture is incomplete. There are pieces missing we need. Perhaps they really are there but we can’t see them, can’t find them yet. Perhaps we need to build some of the pieces because they don’t yet exist.
If a clear, easy solution stares you in the face, be wary. It only looks like a solution through the optimistic, impatient lenses of Aries and Gemini. We are still in process. There is more we need to know.
In the next two days, we’ll move through several important transitions that will shift our view. What we see and what we know are about to change.
Monday, March 30, Mars leaves Capricorn to enter Aquarius. This puts Mars into a more cerebral, wordy, and logical place than Capricorn. This Mars is more “big picture” in Aquarius, wanting to know what the plan is.
This move also puts Mars back into the same sign Saturn is in. One Tuesday, March 31, Mars and Saturn will meet while still in the first degree of the sign.
New information will be coming with this shift. We’re meant to pay attention.
Image by Steve Johnson