Waxing Sextile Moon in Virgo: Careful Tending

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For this insightful connection between Sun and Moon within the Crescent phase, the Moon moves into Virgo and makes lots of connections: sextile the Sun, square Venus, trine Uranus, and inconjunct Saturn and Chiron.

The insight at this waxing sextile will arise from paying careful attention. The square to Venus suggests the story of Psyche. Venus, angry when Psyche breaks her rule, gave the girl four tasks. The first is to sort a huge pile of seeds. All four require great attention to detail. The Moon in Virgo square Venus in Gemini evokes Psyche’s story.

Venus stationed direct very early this morning, returning from her underworld journey. She is moving very slowly right now, intensifying her impact. She has things to share, new ideas, perspectives, connections. Some of her messages may be challenging. We will want to listen.

Perhaps the passionate expressiveness of the Leo Moon now looks a bit unfocused. We need to review, edit, choose which parts are worthy of further work. The entire expression was valuable, even necessary, but not all will remain as part of a finished piece.

Sun–Moon sextile offers information, an “ah-ha” moment on our journey. The Virgo Moon asks us to be discerning. Venus direct in Gemini knows we need fresh perspectives on how to express ourselves and how to connect with others. Which of our intense emotions and expressions are the richest, most authentic, and most relevant to our current situation? These will be the ones to tend now.

This refinement is a necessary step to bring creative expression into focus, to renew our communities. Remember Psyche bore a daughter, Venus’ granddaughter, and her name was Pleasure.

Image by Daiga Ellaby

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