Waning Sextile Moon in Cancer: At the Edge

posted in: Cancer, Waning Sextile | 0

This evening, we reach the sextile between Sun and Moon that offers insight.

We’re within the Last Quarter, a time of getting things done. Right now, though what we can accomplish, and how, is an open question.

Saturn and Mars are both retrograde, Mars moving back to meet Saturn again.

Yes, we can move toward goals, but it doesn’t always feel like progress. The ground under our feet is moving, goal posts shifting or disappearing altogether.

How do we navigate? One “how” is to accept that the world really is changing.

Sun and Moon @20 Virgo and Cancer are opposing and trining Neptune. At times, there’s no rhyme or reason in the news from any sources, as unbelievable events occur.

We know we need to tread (and think, and speak) carefully. Sun and Moon also oppose and trine the Capricorn group. We feel caught between hard rock and shifting mists.

The insight gained might include realizing how close we are to the edge, and which edge or edges we’re close to. This can trigger anxiety (Virgo) and protectiveness (Cancer), both valid.

Insight can also invoke careful action (Virgo) and loving care (Cancer). Today also offers grace and good fortune: Two hours after the sextile, Jupiter stations direct. The Big Good planet s forward, reaching out to our most difficult challenges.

W know Jupiter is already moving slowly, increasing his strength and influence. He can show us where we’ve gone overboard, also good to know.

I love Jupiter’s optimism, the sense that life is good and all aspects can be embraced and celebrated.

Jupiter stationing in Capricorn evokes Pachamama, mother of earth and time of the peoples of the Andes. She can shake the mountains, yes, and also brings fertility. Benevolent, generous, she protects all of life, calling for us to find balance.

At this waning sextile, perhaps we sense where we feel at an edge. Change is happening, clearly. If we widen our view, perhaps we can also feel Pachamama surrounding and supporting us.

Image adapted from Felipe Portella

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