At the First Quarter Moon, Sun and Moon square each other and squares call for action. The 90-degree edge leaves us feeling off kilter. We need to do something to get back into balance.
Tonight, when we reach the square, the Sun @ 1 Libra is just past the equinox. The Moon @ 1 Capricorn is queued up to meet the Capricorn gang.
Libra focuses on balance, harmony, and beauty, reaching out to connect with others in a spirit of cooperation and connection.
Capricorn is all about drilling down, focusing on the task at hand, and getting it done. No nonsense, no messing about, and if we’re relating, it’s because we’re working on something together.
This year, Capricorn feels especially dark and challenging. Libra brings a sense of light, hope, and possibility.
There’s another challenge in the chart: A T-square with Mercury in Libra opposing Mars in Aries, both squared by Saturn in Cap. This echoes the Sun–Moon square while adding Mars: Irritation and anger, anyone?
Mars represents righteous anger as well as anger or rage coming from less clear places, from what Ressma Manakem both clean pain and dirty pain, as Ressma Manakem terms them.
Saturn sets limits and places road blocks, leaving us feeling frustrated.
Both light and dark are present. How will we balance?
This depends on our charts and current circumstances. Check where Libra, Aries and Capricorn fall in your birth chart. Are these areas busy with planets? Where do things feel pressured? Stuck? Inflamed?
It’s not all dire news, of course. In this phase meant to do things, try things. We are none of us sure what’s going on this year. Still, we need to dive in, not hang back.
Take small but concrete steps over the next few days toward one or more goals. See what happens. Learn something. Adjust accordingly.
Image adapted from Sanketh Hiremath
Loved what You said about taking small concrete steps in the next few days. That’s exactly what I’m doing …. going through boxes and boxes and purging so I can get ready to shred what I don’t need. I still have to go through each box and each file.
And read each one. Drat but that’s the only way to do it.
Reliving my life. But grateful for where I am today. Thanks again. Onward
That’s what RBG would do!
Mary Pat Lynch
Sorry for the delay in posting this comment! I am still finding things slip through the cracks at times 🙁 Thank you, and yes!