Waxing Sextile Moon in Sagittarius: History

We’re on the journey, actively exploring and possibly gaining clarity. Is there something you’ve discovered in the last few days? Or understood in a new way?

We’re not out of the woods–in fact we will soon find ourselves deep in the forest–but every new learning adds to our skill set and to our optimism about the future.

The Moon in Sag loves diving deep into subjects. Just past her conjunction with the South Node, the focus is on the past. As we try to work through the intense challenges of the present, we realize more and more that a thorough, accurate understanding of history is essential.

It’s been said more than once that if we fail to learn from the past, we’ll repeat it.

Let’s not. Please.

Venus in careful Virgo is squaring the Nodes of the Moon. She wants us to learn, paying attention to important detail and not leaving any of the vulnerable behind. Venus applies to trine Pluto, ready to embrace deep change if that’s what’s needed.

The Libra Sun sextiles the Moon, receiving the input, finding balance, pondering next steps.

We’ll reach this waxing sextile very soon, less than two hours. Let’s not miss any opportunity for insight.

Whether you’re considering your own past, family past, or wider cultural or global issues, what can we learn that helps us move into a good future?

Image adapted from Sung Jin Cho

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