First Quarter Moon in Aquarius: Occult

Yesterday we entered the First Quarter phase as the Moon @ 0 Aquarius squared the Sun @ 0 Scorpio. The exact positions were 0 ° 36’, as the Sun had slipped into shadowy Scorpio the evening before.

This zero-zero square feels significant as the doorway into the First Quarter. The 0 Aquarius Moon heralds the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on December 21.

We’re looking forward to that conjunction, the decisive opening into the Age of Air. We’re hoping this big shift will signal relief from the challenges of 2020 and hope for a renewed and rebuilt future.

This First Quarter calls for a pause. Time to check where we are instead of looking to the future. What are we not seeing? What (perhaps) would we rather not see?

We’re in Scorpio season when our intuition becomes more acute. Mercury Rx in Scorpio approaches the Sun: Our perceptions are intense and inward.

Venus in delicate, careful Virgo finds herself between trines to Pluto and Saturn. Deep matters are being explored, carefully and creatively.

The First Quarter is a time for action. Right now, action is focused within rather than without, as we question, look for signs, and seek guidance.

Scorpio is associated with death, one of our deepest taboos. Maybe it’s time for our modern culture to stop chasing endless youth and constant growth. Can we meet death as an essential part of life? Realize that without endings, we have no beginnings. Without death, there is no renewal.

What values (Aquarius) are we holding with regard to what is unseen and unknown (Scorpio)? What are our fears? Hopes? Misconceptions?

We are in the right time and space to explore these questions.

Image adapted from Patrick Hendry

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