Last Quarter Moon in Leo: Shine

posted in: Last Quarter Moon, Leo | 0

We’re entering the Last Quarter Moon this morning with the Moon in mid Leo squaring the Scorpio Sun. Fire and Water challenging, connecting, calling us to act.

It’s been a tumultuous week., the presence of Mars retrograde in Aries strongly felt. And why not? The Moon trines Mars, the Sun is inconjunct Mars, and Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio.

Heat runs high. While relief feels tantalizingly close, it is not yet here. New waves of infection (second? third?) sweep the world, violence erupts, and everywhere we struggle between wanting to reclaim a ‘normal’ life and accepting that ‘normal’ is not a thing any more.

It will be another week before Mars stations direct, meaning Mars will be moving more and more slowly. This will increase tensions unless we consciously acknowledge and work with our reactions.

Aries Mars and Libran Venus oppose each other, showing where we lack balance between self and community, aggression and appeasement, separation and union. Can these two forces within each of us find a way to join hands? Can we bring that energized connection into our world?

Today the Leo Moon wants to play, celebrate, create, express, bring forth something new and vibrant and alive. This Moon wants to shine.

Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs. We can’t yet move as decisively or quickly as we’d like. But we can shine where we are.

There is an old, old motif in Indo-European myth that tells us the brightest light is found in the darkest depths. Sometimes we must go down into deep water to touch the source of our inner flame.

We’ve been in deep places. Take action today to light your fire. Ignite your heart with what brings you joy. Soon it will be time to rise to the surface and light up the world.

Image adapted from Sebastien Gabriel

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