Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Cosmic

Today’s Last Quarter Moon opens a spirited dialogue. While this could become an actual conversation with friends, it’s likely to be internal: The voices in our psyche challenging us to see differently, understand deeply, and welcome new perspectives.

The Sun–Moon square, Sun @ 15 Pisces and Moon @ 15 Sag, opens the door.

The Sun sits with Neptune and Venus, the mysteriously compelling trio swirling with creative and intuitive insight, if only we could see them clearly.

The Moon is conjunct the South Node, which means she opposes the North Node. The Sun, Neptune, and Venus square the Nodal axis as well as the Moon.

The Last Quarter is a time of action. What action are we meant to take with this configuration?

If the Saturn–Uranus square represents the challenges of our present time, this feels separate from the T-square at the heart of this Last Quarter Moon. We can’t forget the state of the world, but it’s not our focus right now.

Instead, we explore an inner landscape. Or perhaps, relying on inner vision, we reach for something vast, beyond the individual self and yet foundational. Maybe it’s both at once: Our inner world and our window on the cosmos.

The North Node in Gemini wants new ideas,fresh connections, novel solutions. The South Node in Sagittarius grounds us in ancient philosophies and traditions. The trio in Pisces, squaring both, reminds us that time itself is a construct, a way of perceiving only.

Jupiter @ 17 and Mercury @ 18 Aquarius form trines to the North Node and sextiles to the South. Ruling each Node, these two join forces to help us articulate a clearer vision.

Today our action takes the forms of thought and language: Mars has just entered Gemini, the Mercury-ruled Air sign.

Over the next few days, look within. What archetypes are coming alive for you? Are mythic figures appearing in dreams? Lines of poetry floating into memory?

We remember that the world we’ve known is transforming. We’re called to participate in the coming changes in deep and creative ways.

Image adapted from Quino Al

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