Crescent Moon in Taurus: A Weather Eye

posted in: Crescent Moon, Taurus | 0

Today’s Taurus Moon is calm but canny. One finger raised to the breeze, she knows there’s a change in the weather ahead.

Tomorrow morning around dawn (in my time zone) we enter the Crescent phase. Here we shift into a forward gear, ready to move in the direction of our goals.

This is a fertile time. We’re awash with emotions, dreams, visions, and creative inspiration with all the Pisces planets. In these last weeks, Neptune has finally been surrounded by planets who can channel her messages to us earthlings. Seeds have been planted in our psyches.

Mercury entered this liminal space yesterday, swamping our ordinary ways of thinking a bit but, more importantly, attuning us to wider and deeper frequencies.

Meanwhile, the Sun inches closer and closer to the end of the zodiac, the final degrees of Pisces. This is the end of a cycle, the end of the line, and the end of the story—this current story, anyway.

A new story is about to begin. In a few days, we reach the equinox, the Aries Ingress, when the misty spaces we’ve been floating in are lit up, set ablaze with the fire of new life.

The Taurus Moon, feet on the ground, weather eye on the skies, can feel the shift. This is a welcome time. We’re ready for renewal. Ready to dig in and get to work.

It’s (almost) time to give birth to the new. What’s about to emerge in your life?

Image adapted from Gabriele Diwald

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