Crescent Moon in Virgo: Body/Mind

posted in: Crescent Moon, Virgo | 0

We enter the Crescent phase tomorrow with the Moon in early Virgo. We’re ready to take careful steps toward our goals. In this phase, those steps will involve listening to others and also to ourselves in new ways.

The Sun and Moon are a square-and-a-half apart as the Cancerian Sun applies to trine Neptune.

Moon and Mercury are sextile and in mutual reception, visiting each others’ homes. The mind and the body understand each other. There’s more to perceive and grasp.

Jupiter, still in Pisces, is involved–opposing the Moon and trining Mercury. Messages will be amplified.

Venus and Mars are conjunct in Leo. The yin nature of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter in Earth and Water is energized by these two in Fire. We feel the creative potential of new insights. We pay attention.

It’s a time when mind and body communicate more easily and deeply than usual. A great time to listen, perceive, and articulate.

How this affects us will depend on our typical approach.

If you tend to be in your head a lot, notice that your body has useful and relevant information. Stay with your perceptions. Be curious and empirical. How can attending to the body increase your store of data?

If you tend to be feeling-based, notice that your mind can listen to your body and find helpful language. You might see patterns that have been unclear. You might articulate links between how you act and how you feel.

The same heightened connection applies to our interactions with others. We bring this enhanced mind–body connection into the world.

Ideas and emotions can feel friendlier. Notice details. Nuance. Nothing is too small to be interesting and useful.

The Virgo Moon’s next aspects will be to square the Nodes at 9 Gemini and Sag, followed by a trine to Uranus at 14 Taurus. The insights we gather can be applied to the path before us, which will include deep changes.

Image adapted from engin akyurt

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