Crescent Moon in Libra: First Light

posted in: Crescent Moon, Libra | 0

As we crossed the midnight threshold, we entered the Crescent phase of this lunar cycle. We see the Moon’s light again and welcome their return.

The Moon in early Libra separates enough from the Sun to say, “Hey, thanks, I now have messages to deliver. I’ll check in soon.”

This is a very “airy” day. The Moon, new in Libra, forms a Grand Trine in Air with Saturn in Aquarius and the North Node in Gemini with Ceres.

Saturn in Aquarius holds to the old ways. The North Node in Gemini dives into the new. This Moon seeks a balance point.

We’re actively exploring how to navigate these complex times. We need to rely on what we know of the past and yet each passing day shows how much we need new ideas and plans.

Mercury is visible again. We receive the messages gathered at the golden throne of the Sun. But wait (you say), Mercury is now in Virgo. How can they share the full brilliance of those Leo gifts?

Mercury is quite at home in Virgo, their nighttime place in Earth. This is the perfect place to transmute the intensity of the Leo Sun into real world planning.

And Mercury at 0 Virgo is conjunct Regulus, a royal star and the Heart of the Lion in the Sun’s own constellation.

Western astrology is seasonal, which means we tie 0 Aries to the Spring Equinox. The wobble of the Earth makes the constellations appear to shift into different signs.

So Mercury, no longer sharing the Sun’s throne, sits with the Heart of the Lion. The illumination remains clear, bright, and present.

Now we need workable step-by-step plans 🙂

Today, though, we breathe. We take in the beautiful. Not to gloss over danger, loss or damage, but to look with different eyes. The Libran gift is to see beauty even in what is difficult or painful. We honor what is by seeing it truly.

After the emotional tumult of our journeys through the signs of Cancer and Leo, the Libra Moon brings calm. Let’s see what’s going on, the Libra Moon says, for only then can we find the remedies.

Image adapted from andreas kretschmer

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