Last Quarter Moon in Gemini: Let’s Talk

posted in: Gemini, Last Quarter Moon | 0

Let’s talk.

How do you feel when you hear those words? Anxious? Excited? Maybe a bit of both.

Of course, conversations have context. When someone tells us we need to talk, it’s all about tone of voice and facial expression.

We’re heading into the Last Quarter Moon, the challenge time for making good on New Moon intentions and the Full Moon’s information.

The Moon has just slipped into Gemini, the sign of talk, so already we feel a shift from the calm quiet of Taurus into something more lively.

The mood over the next few days is likely to combine a heady sense of new options with feelings of uncertainty.

Right now, Mercury sits in the final, intense degree of Virgo. We’re aware that, much as we love the material world, it does not last. It is renewed, yet we experience the loss of what is familiar. What is our legacy? How do we feel about where we are in our own cycles?

The Moon in Gemini is conjunct the North Node and the asteroid Ceres. We’re eager for new ideas, questing for the unique and innovative.

The Moon, squaring the Sun, also trines Saturn: Those fresh ideas might need to fit into a tried and true plan.

Mars moves to oppose Neptune. We remain unclear about the best course of action.

You see where the uncertainty arises. So many unknowns. So many problems to be solved.

Just two hours before we reach the Last Quarter, Mercury steps into Libra. Mercury may be stronger in Virgo (one of signs they rule), but Libra is a wonderful place to bring hope and harmony to this Last Quarter time.

Yes, let’s talk. If we meet with a commitment to fairness, if we’re ready to hear all voices, the solutions we need might be found.

Image adapted from Kate Kalvach

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