Gibbous Moon in Pisces: Cesura

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Pisces | 0

We’ve slipped into the Gibbous phase, the last one before we reach the Full Moon in Aries.

This phase often presents a frustrating last challenge. We think we’ve done all we need to. We’re intrigued by the Full Moon. And now …

The challenge of this Gibbous phase will likely be patience.

This waxing cycle has lifted spirits in ways we haven’t felt much lately. There have been checks and delays, sure, but the skies have been kind.

Now we’re on hold.

The Moon in Pisces squares Venus and the South Node. These are all mutable signs so it won’t feel as contentious as, say, a square in fixed signs. Perhaps we find ourselves looking back, wondering about past choices. Perhaps it’s more about the future, wondering what’s ahead without really knowing.

Things will be changing during this phase. Both Jupiter and Mercury will station direct. By the time we get to the Full Moon, only the outer planets will be retrograde, and they do that a lot.

But these changes call for a pause. Jupiter, for example, has stopped moving. He won’t change position by degree or minute until he’s moving directly.

Mercury, a much smaller vessel, turns more quickly, but even they won’t move from the 10th degree until direct motion begins.

In music and in poetry, a cesura is a pause included by design to create emphasis. That’s the feel of this Gibbous phase. Moments of stillness we’re meant to notice.

What will you become aware of during this Gibbous cesura?

Image adapted from Egor Lyfar

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