First Quarter Moon in Gemini: Clever Boots

The Moon’s in Gemini and sailing out of bounds, soon to square Jupiter. Early tomorrow, we’ll reach the First Quarter when the Moon squares the Sun.

What might a Gemini Moon–Pisces Sun square look like? Especially when that Moon is also trining Saturn?

I think, with this Moon, we’ve got a scamp on our hands.

All the powerfully spiritual and creative Piscean giants filling our dreams and tilting our thinking–they might feel a little too grandiose and holy to our boy in Gemini. I can so picture this Moon sneaking up and popping a few of Jupiter’s balloons, or putting a bit of a bend in the rug so someone in the solemn procession stumbles.

The trine to Saturn might feel like a father’s benevolent hand–or a teacher or mentor’s–but again, the vibe I get from this out-of-bounds Moon is, nope, not today.

The world feels so serious right now. SO serious. The challenges are real and daunting.

This Gemini Moon says, pfffft. He puts his thumb to his nose and waggles his fingers at challenges.

If this First Quarter phase is where we see what we need to learn, what’s going on?

The strengths of Gemini, that’s what. The ability to find a new angle. The cleverness to see through pompous posturing. The willingness to make a rude sound just as the doomsayers are pronouncing the latest disasters.

Gemini is young, fresh, irreverent, and very, very clever. While it might seem we need wisdom and hard work and discipline to solve the problems before us (and we do), this First Quarter Moon says, don’t discount the gifts of Gemini.

I look at what we’re facing and I know we need new ideas and fresh perspectives.

It’s not like we’re about to leave Saturnian tough love or Piscean depth behind. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, rules this First Quarter Moon and Mercury just entered Pisces.

We need all the tools, all the skills. But maybe we need to shake it up a bit first. Get a new take on it all.

Image adapted from Joseph Northcutt

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