Gibbous Moon in Libra: Tender

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Libra | 0

We’ve entered the Gibbous phase with a Moon in early Libra.

This phase often feels like a final challenge. We think we’re ready for the Full Moon, and something gets in our way, holds us up, creates a difficulty.

What problems could a gentle Libra Moon present?

This phase opens with a sesquiquadrate to the Sun, a square and a half. Note that the Moon forms the same aspect to Saturn, who squares the Sun.

This aspect pattern is known as Thor’s Hammer. Like that magical weapon, this pattern is strong and volatile. The Taurus Sun can probably hold its own against again Saturn in Aquarius. Both want stability and security, though the paths differ.

What of the Libra Moon?

The Moon opposes Venus and Chiron in Aries, moving toward conjunction.

Venus is not at her best in Aries, a sign that focuses on the self rather than connection with others. Chiron in Aries points to the downsides, dangers, and wounds associated with this cardinal Fire sign.

Venus rules this Moon. We’re meant to connect these dots to face the Gibbous challenge.

This time we’re in seems filled with endless challenge. It’s easy to look back at history, our own and the world’s, and say, what did we miss? What could we have done better, or more? of

This leads naturally to feeling as though we’ve failed (if we’re older) or face a bleak future (if we’re younger). Both options can lead to self criticism and in some cases, self hatred.

Look at the Moon’s position once again. She trines Mercury retrograde. We’re in a time of self reflection, review, reconsideration … all the ‘re’ words. This too can increase a sense of having fallen short.

But what if the gift of Venus in Aries, ruler of the Libran Moon, is self love?

What if her message is that only through self acceptance and, yes, love, can we heal the world’s ills?

At its simplest, this is starting from where we are. More deeply, it points us to embracing who, as well as where, we are, so we can move forward stronger, lighter, and more whole.

Image adapted from Tessa Terrus

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