Balsamic Moon in Aquarius: Clear Choices

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This morning we entered the Balsamic phase, the last before the New Moon.Here we sort, winnow, and prune. What do we keep from the previous cycle? What do we let go?

The Sun, Neptune, Venus conjunction in Pisces might find it impossible to choose, or indeed to let go of anything. Surely all things are worthy. All things deserve their place.

We’re fortunate, then, that this phase opens with the Moon in Aquarius. This is the place of clear thinking based on carefully chosen principles.

On first entering Aquarius, the Moon formed a trine to Mars in Gemini, a connection not conducive to decisiveness. But already, the Moon has passed this upbeat but scattered Mars.

Next, happening now, is a square to Uranus, a push to keep only what is authentic and essential. Next will be a conjunction with Saturn that will strengthen our resolve.

This need not be harsh, though. The Moon will later conjunct expansive, optimistic Jupiter. Even Marie Kondo, who once reorganized her sister’s room without permission, relies on joy to make decisions.

We’re moving toward a creative and visionary New Moon. Clearing space now will allow us to receive the magical gifts this Moon may bring.

Image adapted from Philipp Berndt

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