Balsamic Moon in Aquarius: Release Illusions

posted in: Aquarius, Balsamic Moon | 0

The Moon enters cerebral, principled Aquarius. There’s a formality to this fixed Air sign. A desire for everything to be in its right place.

In a few hours, we enter the Balsamic phase with this Aquarian Moon. A time of letting go. Wrapping up what is complete.

The Moon shows us exactly where to look.

This afternoon, Venus reaches her conjunction with Saturn, the end point of a long time of confusion, exploration, and healing. We finally reach the completion of Venus’ months-long journey with Saturn.

We’ve slogged through our Venusian descent journeys. A long winter of revisiting past patterns, people, ways of loving (or not), connection (or not). Seeking understanding and now, release.

This Balsamic phase invites us to let go. To see old patterns clearly and step away from the ones we know don’t work.

But can we do it?

The Balsamic phase opens when the Moon is 45° from the Sun, half a square. This is a sharp angle. The Sun in Aries conjunct Mercury and Chiron is in a sharp place. Aquarius is pretty edgy too. We have the power to make changes. Do we have the will?

Venus is about to step past Saturn and Mars. Step past–the past. She’s heading for Pisces, where she’s exalted, ready to bask in pleasurable company after all that work.

There’s this one step to get there. One thing facing us. Can we let go of what we know, we know for sure, needs to go?

Notice how the Saturn–Venus conjunction squares the Nodes of the Moon. The choices we make now will resonate through both past and future. Like, no pressure.

We’ve been preparing for this for months. Lots of months. Dark months. We’re at the release, if we can do it.

We can do it.

Title adapted from engin akyurt

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