Balsamic Moon in Cancer: Process

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Tonight we enter the Balsamic phase with the Moon in late Cancer. After weeks of high energy and bright thoughts, the focus shifts from thinking to feeling.

Moon remains out of bounds. This could be an emotional time. “Out of bounds” in astrology means the Moon (in this case) has moved beyond the limits of where the Sun goes. OOB planets chart their own course. They march to their own drummer.

Since this Moon is strong in her own sign of emotionally sensitive Cancer, our feelings may be intense. In addition, the Moon is leaving a trine to Saturn and squares Chiron, as she moves to sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, and oppose Pluto. This is intense territory.

Strong emotion isn’t a bad thing. It fits well with this phase of releasing.

Over the next few days, allow time to process what’s been going on. How do you feel, in yourself? How have you responded to world events? To whatever’s happening in your own life and relationships?

What can you let go of? What needs more care and attention?

Venus has entered Libra to trine Pluto as she approaches the South Node, also a place of letting go. Pluto trine Venus facilitates deep insights. The South Node supports releasing, and one path to that is creating beauty, something Venus loves to do.

Writing, creating images, listening to and dancing to music, any and all creative approaches can help us let go during these next days.

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