Balsamic Moon in Cancer: Self Care

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Overnight tonight, the Balsamic Moon arrives. Our energies turn inward. We prepare for the cycle that begins with the New Moon only a few days away.

This Balsamic Moon in Cancer is conjunct her own North Node, which creates an interesting challenge.

The North Node, the point of the future, is where we’re meant to go. Yet it’s also a point we struggle with. It is unfamiliar, so we hesitate, feel doubts, are not sure we’re ready.

The message of this Balsamic Moon, surprisingly difficult for many of us to accept, is that self care is not selfish.

For this second decan of Cancer, Austin Coppock offers the image of a walled garden. As we enter this Balsamic phase, we realize we ourselves, each of us, must be protected and nurtured within these walls.

If we don’t take care of ourselves, we cannot nurture others. Well, we can for a while, but then we’re done. Exhausted. Depleted.

Beyond that, we’re asked to embrace the idea that we deserve take care of ourselves.

Self care includes learning to read our desires, get in touch with our bodies, understand our own hearts.

There is another lesson here the Cancer Moon might find difficult: Sometimes the best care we can offer ourselves is to let something, or someone, go.

We’re in the phase of letting go, after all, not something the sign of Cancer is good at. Saturn and Pluto also oppose the Moon, pointing to the possibility of having to do hard things.

The Moon also trines Neptune, who can offer sleep, and dreams. Sometimes the way forward might be confusing. Sometimes we see the big picture. And sometimes magic arrives, unlooked for, but welcome all the same.

Image created from a photo by Debby Hudson :

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