Balsamic Moon in Capricorn: Going to Ground

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We enter the Balsamic phase tomorrow morning under a Capricorn Moon, which is not a bad thing.

It’s true the Moon’s not comfortable here, like being far from home and staying with people who don’t like you. Yet we can learn here. We can notice how we feel. We can look within.

The Balsamic Moon is the time of the hermit. Picture an isolated monastery on a mountaintop. Or a hidden cave where a Buddhist sits in silent meditation. Does Mercury Rx have you upside down and sideways? Place yourself in a retreat like this.

The Sun has just entered Pisces. Our inner compass turns toward our spiritual center. Our field of vision becomes as wide as the cosmos. We sit at the center of that circle that has no limit.

Notice how the Moon is about to conjunct Jupiter. We are meeting with the sage, the wise woman of the woods. This is a time of wisdom.

We arrive here with an insight, an ah-ha, something distilled down to its essence. Now we watch the dross burn away to ashes on the forest floor. From those ashes, an oak will grow, or perhaps an ash or a yew. We slip the jewel into an inner, hidden pocket.

Having done all that is needful, we rest. We sleep wrapped in a fleece surrounded by the scent of fir trees. The moonless night is very dark but the star burn bright in the clear sky.

The next day, the process continues as we let go of what we no longer need, retaining what is essential. We are preparing for a mystical journey with the Pisces New Moon. For now we center, ground, rest, and wait.

Image by Sebastian Unrau

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