Tonight we blaze into the Balsamic Moon with a Grand Fire Trine brighter, more powerful, and more focused than before. This much Fire can run away with us if we’re not careful.
The Sun in the first decan of Sagittarius is all about speed. This Sun is enthusiastic and also ruthless.
Mars in the first decan of Leo is regal, secure, and entitled. He’s stationing retrograde, more powerful than usual in his stillness.
The North Node at the beginning of Aries wants what it wants, full stop, and will cut away whatever interferes.
Isn’t the Balsamic Moon about cutting things away? Well, yes, but this trifecta in Fire can easily go too far.
Other planets bring in contrasting perspectives.
Mercury, newly retrograde in Sag, opposes Jupiter retrograde in Gemini.
Jupiter must balance the needs of both sides in this sign of the twins. Light and dark, self and other–whatever duality we’re juggling, Jupiter is here as witness and aide.
At the end of Sag, Mercury’s hitting the wall. Her we confront with our limitations. Do we have the stamina to finish this? Have we given all we can?
These are real questions worth asking during this Mercury retrograde. Mercury is out of bounds as well, so look for unexpected solutions.
The Moon is in late Libra, in the decan Austin Coppock named “the gyroscope.” Here we feel a need to keep moving, in the right way, at the right speed, or we’ve fall into the void. This Moon trines Jupiter and sextiles Mercury, well aware of how tough it is to find perfect balance.
The Moon squares an out-of-bounds Venus in Capricorn, who rules this Libra Moon. Venus asks, what can we actually do? What will have the impact we want? Nothing is off the table, so, let’s look at all of it.
During this Balsamic phase, we feel all the demands, the pushes and pulls, our emotions, and what we want.
The challenge is not to let the big energies run away with us, but instead to slow down. Check in. Replenish resources. Focus on what is creatively possible. Stay grounded.