Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius: Choices and Challenges

I’m a bit off kilter and off schedule what with events in the world (and maybe my transits!) so let’s orient to yesterday’s Balsamic Moon.

The Sagittarius Moon, forming half a square to the Capricorn Sun, signaled our entry into the Balsamic phase. This is the time of review and letting go before the coming New Moon.

This New Moon will be conjunct Pluto. We’re already feeling its intensity. It won’t be comfortable.

This Sag Moon could prefer to put on a happy face, saying, if through clenched teeth, it’s not so bad, we can find unity and work it out.

A Moon in Sag might also choose to run away, putting distance between us and the issues. This could look like calling for more study, or simple checking out.

Or we can choose to examine our most deeply held beliefs in the face of violence, hypocrisy, and the abandonment of standards. Sagittarius is a philosopher, a jurist, and a sage.

The Moon, newly arrived in Sagittarius, was then applying to a trine with Chiron. Sagittarius does tend toward optimism, so, this trine held out hope for healing with the same choices: happy denial, escape, or grappling with thorny issues.

Mercury, conjunct Saturn and square Mars, stands in the way of any attempt to gloss over or minimize our current crises. This configuration calls for action in the face of reality.

Over the next days, our task is to sort out what’s getting in the way of our own capacity to deeply examine our beliefs and principles, and then decide how we act.

Image adapted from Possessed Photography

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