Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius: Longing

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Saturday’s Balsamic Moon is on a journey, yet the maps are unclear, the outcomes uncertain.

We have dreams and desires. We long to have them fulfilled, but we’re not sure how.

The Moon in late Sagittarius has been on a quest for a while and now knows a choice must be made.

This Moon squares the Nodes–our decisions will have long term consequences.

The Moon separates from a square to Saturn to enter a square to Venus – if we have accepted necessary limits, we may find new avenues to creativity and relationship available.

After the square to Venus, the Moon squares Neptune – can we attain our heart’s desire? Is it even possible to think of?

The Moon is at the apex of a yod that has a Mars–Uranus sextile at its base. Somehow we need to find the right balance between protecting what we care about and addressing worldwide issues.

The Moon trines Chiron – some form of healing may be both available and necessary.

Meanwhile, the Aquarius Sun separates from a conjunction with Pluto to move into a trine to Jupiter in Gemini. Facing into the depths and committing to our core principles may open up new avenues.

Mercury in late Capricorn leaves an opposition to emotional Mars in Cancer to sextile Neptune. We are looking for the path that leads to our dreams.

If this sounds vague, it is. Yet it seems to me, it reflects exactly where so many of us are right now. The world is changing under our feet.

Important decisions await us and yet we can’t see the way forward clearly. Which actions best align with our core principles? How can we protect what we’ve worked so hard to build, in a landscape where nothing seems certain?

The Balsamic phase is about letting go. And yet even that might feel unclear. What do we keep? What is most vital?

We are in a process of discernment in which our values, our dreams, and our emotions all want to be honored.

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