Balsamic Moon in Scorpio: Authentēs

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Today, we step into the final, Balsamic phase before the New Moon. The Moon loses her light as she moves through the last decan of shadowy Scorpio.

The Sun at 05º47’ Capricorn still squares the Nodes of the Moon, maintaining our focus on the long view.

The Moon at 20º47’ Scorpio is 45º away from the Sun, where she anchors a complicated conversation.

The Balsamic phase marks the end of a lunar cycle and preparation for the next. We reflect and review, releasing whatever is complete, or no longer needed.

With the Balsamic Moon in late Scorpio, we’re in deep territory. We see, feel, and touch aspects of our own Shadow, or collective Shadow, that may not be available at all times.

This Moon is part of a T-square, opposing Uranus in Taurus as both square Venus in Aquarius.

Uranus, who Richard Tarnas sees as Prometheus, stands for authenticity. In our birth charts, Uranus challenges us to align with what is real for us, rather than what we’ve been socialized to be.

In opposing the Scorpio Moon, Uranus asks, what arises from the core of your being, emerging from your unique self?

The Jungian Shadow includes much. Buried trauma, conditioning carried forward through generations, and creative gifts that end up buried because they were seen as too weird.

The Greek word authentēs can translate as “authentic” but carries a deeper meaning. To be authentēs is to act on our own authority, for good or ill. If we are authentēs, we are the master of our actions.

This is what Uranus asks of us.

The Moon and Uranus square by Venus in late Aquarius. This Venus is clear-sighted, aware of what no longer works and must change. Venus knows some of what we thought was real for us, must be released.

This kind of truth lmight be represented by the Titan Themis, who stands for natural law, order, and fairness. In some myths, she was the original oracle at Delphi.

This Scorpio Moon might be related to Nyx, goddess of night associated with the void and fears of the unknown, or Medusa, who was unfairly punished for Poseidon’s act, turned to rage, and ultimately became a source of protection against evil.

Uranus as Prometheus is willing to go as far as it takes to reach authentēs.

Here we see the power to gaze unflinching at where we are, consider where we need or want to be, and what it will take to get there.

It’s worth noting that Mars retrograde in early Leo also aspects the Nodes of the Moon, focusing on the link between who we are in our hearts, and our fate in this lifetime.

As we approach the end of the calendar year, we’re invited into an unusually deep space for reflection. What do we need to let go of to become authentēs?

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