Balsamic Moon in Taurus: Banishing Fear

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We arrive at the threshold of the Balsamic phase with the Moon in the final, most intense degree of Taurus.

The Saturn–Uranus square is still boosted by Venus and Mars as the Sun sextiles Uranus. The Moon’s perspective, though, has shifted.

At the very end of Taurus, this Moon is alive to endings, knowing that all cycles eventually wind down. At the same time, we keep the faith that cycles will begin again, renewed and strengthened.

Austin Coppock notes that the Moon at the end of Taurus is good for banishing fear. With the intensity surrounding us, feeling some fear seems entirely reasonable. Yet too much can immobilize us.

This Moon says, trust in renewal. Trust in the long view. Trust in the Earth. Trust in the body.

During this final phase of releasing, let’s focus on letting go of fear.

Image adapted from Evgeni Tcherkasski

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