Balsamic Moon in Taurus: Womb of Earth

posted in: Balsamic Moon, Taurus | 0

The idea of the Earth as a womb is ancient and compelling. Caves have long been seen as places of initiation and rebirth. Passage graves, too, and other built places underground. The kiva.

Overnight tonight, we enter the Balsamic phase in just this way.

The Moon at 0 Taurus forms a semisquare to the Sun while sextiling both Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces, enlivening the Venus–Jupiter trine that had only begun to fade.

The Moon and Venus are in mutual reception, welcoming each to the other’s home. The home of the Earth itself.

We’re reaching the end of this particular eclipse time. The Gemini New Moon arrives with an annular solar eclipse early on June 10. We’ve been through almost two weeks of intense change. Whether you expected it or not, accepted it or not, things are not the same as they were.

Now it’s time to sink into as calm and quiet a place as you can find. Inside yourself. Solitude in nature. A library, perhaps? It’s a time to feed your body good things, take gentle, steady care of yourself, and allow things to settle.

Of course we need to work, or at least, many of us do. But even that may feel slower than usual as Mercury deepens into their retrograde.

Don’t overthink. Do what needs to be done. Take care of yourself and those you love. Let the Earth surround you and carry you. The nights are dark and velvet. Check out some stars. Watch the wheel of the constellations turn.

Find a quiet place. Stay there as much as you can.

Image adapted from Lucas van Oort

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