Crescent Moon in Cancer: Motherlode
We enter the Crescent phase with a Moon in late Cancer opposite Pluto. At the moment we begin to act on our goals, we meet a goddess facing into Shadow. This is a darker face of the goddess but not … Continued
We enter the Crescent phase with a Moon in late Cancer opposite Pluto. At the moment we begin to act on our goals, we meet a goddess facing into Shadow. This is a darker face of the goddess but not … Continued
Welcome, Beltaine! Have you been dancing with spirits of Nature since May 1? All the better! At Beltaine, we revel in the vibrant force of life, dance in woods and fields, welcome magic, and renew our connections to Nature. We … Continued
We’re about to step from the New Moon chaos of the solar eclipse into a Crescent Moon poised in the final degree of Gemini. We’ve entered the first eclipse portal of the year. Right now, we’re betwixt and between, with … Continued
Soon, Venus leaves the cerebral fixity of Aquarius for the misty openness of Pisces. This is a marvelous shift for her and marks the end of her long, difficult journeys through Capricorn and Aquarius. It’s been valuable. No doubt about … Continued
Here’s a heads up for tomorrow, Monday, when we reach the Crescent Moon … but that’s not all that happens. The Crescent Moon is the time we get clarity on what we need to do to reach our goals. This … Continued
Before dawn, we enter the Crescent phase as the Moon steps into calm, solid Taurus. March is a very active month, astrologically. We see that already: Since the New Moon a few days ago, Sun and Jupiter met in conjunction. … Continued
The Crescent Moon arrives this morning with the same patterns as yesterday: Sun conjunct Saturn. Mars and Venus approach conjunction while trining Uranus and squaring Chiron. Once again, the Saturn–Uranus square activates the ongoing tension between Uranian forces of change … Continued
The Moon has entered Pisces, leaving the hard-edged Saturn-influenced signs behind for something softer and more nebulous. The Moon immediately moves to conjunct Jupiter, who is thrilled to be in Pisces, and create something magical for everyone. We’re also about … Continued
Tomorrow morning we enter the Crescent Moon phase. The Moon becomes more visible in the sky and life picks up its normal pace. But it might not feel quite normal. A series of interconnectioning conversations keeps us in the mysterious, … Continued
The swift Moon rushes to catch Venus, both in early Capricorn. Venus slows her steps, preparing to enter the dark wood of her retrograde time. We enter the Crescent phase tonight. Have you found time to make your wishes? No? … Continued