New Moon Movement

We’re sailing through the New Moon phase these next few days with so much unfolding it deserves its own post. If you’re feeling frustrated, contentious, or just plain pissy, that’s understandable. But know that things are shifting. Whether you’re irritated … Continued

New Moon in Libra: Focus

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Tomorrow morning’s New Moon in Libra will not be a quiet celebration of charm and diplomacy. We might expect this with a Libra New Moon. We might hope for it, in these challenging times. We’re getting something else entirely. This … Continued

New Moon in Virgo: Trust

posted in: New Moon, Virgo | 0

Tonight’s New Moon in Virgo is surprisingly complex. We’re in the mutable Earth sign that shifts us from summer into fall. A lovely time of year when subtle changes remind us where we are. The light seems to soften. Colors … Continued

Wishing with the New Moon

posted in: New Moon | 0

Astrology allows us to pinpoint the exact moment the Sun and Moon are conjunct: the New Moon! This time is linked to planting roots and seeds, and to setting intentions and making wishes. But the Moon is dark. There is … Continued

New Moon in Leo: Integrity

posted in: Leo, New Moon | 0

At this New Moon, we’re invited to feel the energy of lions in all their splendor. With us humans, speaking of splendor suggests opulence, wealth used for display, and concentrated power. Lions are different. They are apex predators, for sure, … Continued

New Moon in Cancer: Opening Up

posted in: Cancer, New Moon | 0

Tonight’s New Moon in Cancer is vulnerable, tender, caring, and something of a puzzle. The rest of the chart highlights the challenges we face, as it has been doing for some time. The Saturn–Uranus square is currently waning but still … Continued