Tomorrow morning, we slip into the Crescent phase with a cool, planful Moon in Aquarius.

The Sun remains in sturdy, practical Capricorn, while the Moon has traversed a vast territory.
Since the New Moon, the Moon entered Aquarius to meet Pluto, lord of deep places, while opposing retrograde Mars in Leo. This Pluto–Mars opposition is the second of three that are a core signature of this passionate and challenging opposition.
The Moon then formed a trine to Jupiter, gathering good news, one hopes, before sextiling Mercury and squaring Uranus.
Jupiter has been in council with stately Saturn as they squared each other, debating on the right balance between limits and expansion.
Remember the Moon is both messenger and trigger, gathering news and setting things in motion. There is much to process as we choose our goals for this lunar cycle.
Now at the end of Aquarius, the Moon moves to conjunct lovely Venus, newly arrived in Pisces. In this sign of dreams and mysticism, Venus is exalted. All the Moon has gathered is woven in to whatever creative vision Venus is crafting.
At the New Moon, we were close to the earth, stable and grounded. Now the Moon has reached great heights, can see far, and has gathered new ideas.
We set our goals for this lunar cycle accordingly.