The swift Moon rushes to catch Venus, both in early Capricorn. Venus slows her steps, preparing to enter the dark wood of her retrograde time.
We enter the Crescent phase tonight. Have you found time to make your wishes? No? Then choose a stone. Whisper your wishes to the stone. The Moon will slip the stone into Venus’ pocket.
Both the Moon and Venus are out of bounds. Both have slipped outside the limits set by the Sun traveling north and south of the equator. They ignored the rules and went into the woods anyway. Now they will have adventures.
What do we make of Venus in Capricorn? Can we find romance here? Capricorn does not feel magical. Perhaps we focus more on Venus’ relation to money?
And maybe there’s more romance, more depth here than first meets the eye.
The Moon and Venus sextile Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. We’re in the realm of the old tales, where deep meanings are encoded into simple tales.
Remember the dutiful children. The stories in which one child carries burdens. Must work hard for little reward and no praise.
Yet when things go wrong, it is the hard-working child who knows to welcome the stranger at the gate. Who shares her last bit of bread with hungry sparrows. Who frees the trapped wolf.
In Capricorn, we face stark realities. With Venus, we see the beauty in simple things. We touch the depth of lives lived according to the seasons. We become aware of the bones within the earth, of rocks, and roots, and deep wells of water and memory.
In the bright, buzzing chaos of modernity, these are good things to know.
In the end, the dutiful child is rewarded. It does not change her, but seeing the bones of stories like these might change us.
Image adapted from Europeana