After the intense Fire of the New Moon, the Crescent Moon in Capricorn wants to make it real.
The challenge is, too much is happening. Ideas, plans, contingencies, goals, all crowd in at once.
This chart is intense: The Moon is conjunct Venus and Ceres at the end of Capricorn moving to conjunct Pluto, while leaving a trine with Uranus to move in to sextile Neptune. Inspiration, anyone?
Meanwhile, a stationary Mars trines the North Node in Aries. We want to DO stuff.
We’re in a time of practical but driven creativity.
Also amazing is how much happens during the few days of this Crescent phase.
Jupiter opposes Mercury a few hours before we enter the phase.
Dec 5, we have the ah-ha! of the Mercury retrograde cazimi, Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun.
Dec 6, Mars officially turns retrograde and Mercury Rx squares Saturn in Pisces.
Dec 7, Venus enters Aquarius to conjunct Pluto, as the Sun opposes Jupiter, and Neptune stations direct.
Dec 8, the Moon conjuncts Saturn.
This mix of aspects brings inspiration, innovation, and transformation along with reminders to plan carefully, be responsible, and not count chickens before they hatch.
How this feels will depend on your birth chart and current circumstances.
- Plan for times to unwind. Pay attention to keeping your nervous system regulated.
- Allow for creative exploration, whether this is generating ideas, making prototypes, or reviewing current projects. With so many retrogrades happening, review and revision are priorities.
- Embrace the Saturnian reminders to plan carefully and not get too far ahead of ourselves.
The Crescent phase is when we have enough moonlight to begin to see our way forward. After the intense Fire of the New Moon, this Capricorn Crescent Moon offers ways to dive in and capture the creative flow.
Go for it.