Crescent Moon in Gemini: Take Flight

posted in: Crescent Moon, Gemini | 0

Tonight we reach the opening of the Crescent Moon phase, when the Moon is 45 past the Sun.

The Moon is flying through bright, curious Gemini, having already met Venus, formed and left trines with Mars and Saturn, and squared Neptune.

So much information! So many messages to carry! Her next meeting is with Eris, goddess of disruption, and last but hardly least, Mercury in late Aries, ruler of Gemini.

This Moon is on fire with fresh ideas and perspectives. Which is kind of the point. Since Crescent Moon is 45 past the Sun, she’s never in the same sign as the New Moon. There is new territory to be explored. Much to learn.

The challenge of the Crescent phase is not to miss anything important. Fresh and youthful, a Gemini Moon rarely thinks to look back over her shoulder. This could be a problem.

Before the South Node of the Moon leaves Capricorn, and the Nodes explore the new territories of Gemini and Sagittarius, have we really learned, absorbed, and worked through all we need?

Before we leave this Crescent phase, the Moon will enter her Cancerian homeplace and meet the North Node, opposing the South. Let’s not become so entranced with future possibilities that we miss lessons from the past.

Image by freestocks

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