Crescent Moon in Leo: Creative Play

posted in: Crescent Moon, Leo | 0

In less than three hours, we reach the Crescent Moon. We see the Moon in the evening sky, bright and hopeful. The thick darkness of the New Moon dissolves.

The mood is optimistic and yet this is precisely when the first challenges appear.

We get a look at how our goals might play out and have second thoughts. Or, we want the goal but are daunted by how far it is and how steep and rocky the road looks.

The Sun and Moon form a semisquare, 45 degrees, which brings a combined desire for action and concern about what lies ahead.

This Moon is in Leo. She’s been void of course all day and will remain so until she enters Virgo and moves to sextile Venus and trine Uranus. Her closest aspect right now is a waning trine to edgy, chaotic Eris.

Meanwhile, Mars and Mercury draw close to their conjunction, which trines Chiron. Venus is moving to square Chiron. The Sun moves to conjunct the North Node, opposing the South Node and Saturn.

This all sounds fairly tricky. So why on earth choose “creative play” as the theme?

Because the Leo Moon loves play. Void of course, what else is she to do?

Because the Sun and North Node trine Neptune, a source of dreams, visions, and creative solutions.

Because that Mars–Mercury conjunction wants to get something done. In Leo, they bring creativity and playfulness to finding the healing Chiron seeks.

Because we’re in this game. We’re just catching the first glimmers of what the eclipse season has to offer. It’s way too early to throw in the towel, so, what better way to engage than playful creativity?

Color with ALL the crayons. Cover the whole paper. Get outside the lines. See what happens.

Photo by Aaron Burden @

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