Crescent Moon in Scorpio: A Flash of Light

posted in: Crescent Moon, Scorpio | 0

Last night, October 1, we entered the Crescent Moon phase. We’re coming out of the dark, seeing the slim crescent glowing in the night sky.

We’re balanced between the promise of this waxing cycle and hauntings from the past. Will things left undone get in the way of our New Moon goals?

The late Scorpio Moon brings a heightened sense of the edge between dark and light. We are face to face with our desires. We see, if we have the courage to look, how we distort reality even as we grab for what we want––or what we think we want.

Scorpio sees uncomfortable things clearly. At this Crescent Moon we glimpse the fictions we create about the world. This opens a space for adjusting our goals to reflect more nuance and depth and truth.

Can we see reality? Perhaps not. Under this Moon, we can get a look at our own distortions.

This might sound a bit dark for a waxing cycle when light grows in strength. The Scorpio Moon, though, sets the tone for a cycle in which the Shadow has a strong presence.

Before we reached this semisquare between Sun and Moon, we felt tremors from a series of Pluto aspects: squares from Mercury and Venus, and a sextile from the Moon herself.

Libra still reigns, but already we feel the reach of Scorpio season. The coming Full Moon’s strongest aspect will be, you guessed it, a square to Pluto.

So take this time to explore what is hidden in you and around you. The Scorpio Moon wants us to see what we’ve missed so we can gather it up, understand, and adjust.

NOTE: I will be releasing an overview for this waxing cycle, hopefully today!

Image created from a photo by Christopher Campbell :

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