Crescent Moon in Scorpio: Secrets of the Heart

posted in: Crescent Moon, Scorpio | 0

Tonight, in the middle of the night, we enter the Crescent phase with a Moon at the beginning of Scorpio.

In this waxing phase, we begin to see the shape of our goals. Opportunities light up as the Moon brightens in the night sky.

Yet this first decan of Scorpio is a place of great hunger, where the Moon finds her degree of fall. So this Crescent phase becomes, not a place for making wishes and plans, but a time for looking within, deeply, bravely, passionately.

This Moon is bound up in a close but out of sign square to Pluto in Capricorn, the modern ruler of Scorpio. This can intensify our emotions and our desires, inviting us to explore the structures that support our emotional life.

There’s an out of sign but close sextile with Mercury in Leo. What needs and passions fuel our perceptions? Our communication? Can we use the creative fire of Leo to express what we see and feel?

Most important, this Moon moves into a tight trine with Mars in Cancer. These two are in mutual reception, since Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio. They strengthen each other far from home.

Mars in the first decan of Cancer also experiences intense desire. This beginning of Cancer is a place of the mother and child, a mutually symbiotic relationship. But Mars chafes at being expected to give. He prefers to take.

We’re on the way to a Full Moon eclipse, which means we’re not trying to make wishes or reach for goals. We’re watching for portents, omens to light our way through the eclipse dark.

This may sound terrible. Indeed, the next few days may bring up intense emotion.

But Scorpio is fiercely brave. What do we need to see about our emotions? What state is our heart in, these days? We are offered an unflinching look.

This is valuable. This is worth doing.

“It ain’t pretty, it ain’t subtle, what happens to the heart” –– Leonard Cohen

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