Crescent Moon in Virgo: A Simple Life

posted in: Crescent Moon, Virgo | 0

Today’s Crescent Moon offers a time of respite.

I’m not sure how your New Moon has been. Mine was packed with unexpected emotional highs and lows. It seems the out-of-bounds nature of the Moon in Cancer had more of an impact that I expected.

We’re in the Crescent phase in a few hours. The Moon, I am thankful to say, is no longer out of bounds.

In early Virgo, this Moon wants to tend to simple things. These are days for gardening, taking care of hearth and home, loving on the people you care about, and keeping a slow pace.

Virgo, mutable Earth, processes through working with the hands. Got things to think about? Find something you love to do: woodworking, knitting, sewing, crafting, cooking, book binding, building a shed …

I link Virgo to herbs and herbal medicine. This is a good time to gather herbs and wild plants (carefully, please!) for simple tinctures and remedies.

This Moon applies to square Jupiter, a happy connection despite being a square. The Moon has light in the sky again. We see things more clearly.

The Sun trines Saturn and applies to a square with Chiron. It’s a good time to work through whatever emotions or situations came up with the New Moon. Mercury is in Leo sextiling Jupiter. We’re ready to play, perform, and advocate for ourselves and others.

Venus trines Neptune and continues to parallel the Sun. Creative work is likely to go well now, especially art or craftwork that focuses on what we love. Venus will enter Leo just after her trine with Neptune, boosting our confidence and willingness to share.

It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.

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