Crescent Moon in Virgo: Watch Your Step

Tomorrow, we’ll enter the Crescent phase of this waxing lunar cycle with the Moon in mid Virgo. This is a careful Moon, who wants to do well in the world but knows that being well resourced makes a big difference, and being alert and aware can keep us safe.

This is a good orientation for us to have in this phase. We’re in a time of shifts and changes that can bring up unexpected challenges.

Today (Thursday) the Mars–Saturn square will be exact in Virgo and Pisces. This will happen at 4:49 pm EDT with the two malefics at 06º20’ of Virgo and Pisces.

A Mars–Saturn connection brings the experience of wanting to move but finding ourselves blocked. Mars in Virgo is prepared to moving carefully, but has things to do. Saturn in Pisces says, “Hmmm, do you really understand what’s going on? Everything is not clear here.”

Friday, about 7 hours after entering the Crescent phase, the Sun–Pluto opposition is exact. This aspect has been building for some days. Now on point, the Sun at the end of tender, sensitive Cancer confronts the darkest places in the psyche and in our world.

The Sun (our core self) might feel overwhelmed and want to hide from such large forces. Or, we might be moved to compassion, called to understand what is hidden within ourselves. Most likely, we’ll feel some of both: A need to face into challenges, and a fervent wish we didn’t have to.

Saturday, Venus stations retrograde at 28º36’ Leo. The Sun will enter Leo about 15 minutes later. The Sun is ready to shine brightly in their home sign, but suddenly may feel uncertain. Goals need to be revisited. The past feels oddly present. What do we really want?

On Sunday, Chiron stations retrograde at 19º57’ Aries at 8:42 am. Having the wounded healer turn back in a Fire sign just as Venus does the same in another Fire sign suggests there is healing work to be done around our creative passions.

In the Crescent phase, we get a better sense of the landscape we’re in and what we’ll need to reach our goals. The ground underfoot feels uncertain, possibly dangerous. It’s a good time to watch our step.

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