Disseminating Moon in Aquarius: Art Speaks

posted in: Aquarius, Disseminating Moon | 0

Tomorrow morning, we enter the Disseminating phase, marked by a sesquiquadrate, a 135º angle, between Sun and Moon.

There’s a bit of a challenge here as the Moon in mid Aquarius says, OK, we’ve had the Full Moon (and Solstice as well), what do we make of this? What do we have to say?

In the second decan of Aquarius, we want to connect with what feels “other.” Can we understand the experience of someone very different from us?

Yet the Moon has little power here. We may feel isolated, unsure what to do or say.

The Sun–Mercury–Venus trio offers a way: Through creative work, through art, we go beyond what we can put into words. We can explore heart spaces.

The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are no longer conjunct, yet remain close.

Mercury has moved far enough away from the Sun to be visible in the evening sky again; the mind regains the clarity to express what the heart knows. Venus remains under the Sun’s beams and will not be visible until late July. Yet she, too is gaining distance and perspective.

Mercury and Venus remain out of bounds, which means they are outside the limits of the Sun’s path. This gives them more wildness, a more unique, idiosyncratic, personal voice.

Yet there a strong connection remains between these three bodies in Cancer. They are parallel, which is like a conjunction.

“Parallel” in astrology means two (or more) bodies are the same distance north or south of the equator. This aspect is only allowed one degree of orb, so the positions must be close.

If we drew a line one degree wide, north of the equator around 24º40’, that line would cross the Sun, Mercury, and Venus.

A Moon feeling disconnected and alone challenges the Sun, Mercury, and Venus to help her express what she feels and knows. The way through this is art, the creation of images or sound or patterns that express what words cannot.

In the next few days, if there is more in your heart than your mind can sort out, grab some markers, get out the paint, move your body, sing, design, explore, create.

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